
Steering Committee Meeting on May 5, 2008

Steering committee members for the Glenwood Horizon’s Project met on May 5, 2008. The group gathered to discuss training opportunities as well as take a look at where to spend the remaining grant funds.

To date, there have been two trainings offered to community members. There has been a grant writing workshop presented by Jennifer Smith. The local Horizon Community Coaches also brought Natalie Kinion, WRAP School Age Child Care Specialist, to present to local students. Their discussion was focused on the development of a Youth Recreation Center. Training dollars will also be spent to send Bridget McLaughlin and Julie Brazil to the Health School Summit at the end of May. Mr. Aaron Oldenburg will attend a Lewis-Clark St Summer Institute for Teaching American Indian Students in Lewiston, Idaho at the end of June.

Committee members Jay McLaughlin, Jensi Smith, Josie Zaragoza, and Leah Pedersen then weighed in on what would be the best use of the remaining grant funds. Although everyone felt that all four of the Action Items identified during the Visioning Process would be beneficial to the community, it was decided that it would be better to invite the larger community into the discussion. The committee talked about where the additional grant funds would have an impact and what Action Items would need much more work and/or support.

A Horizon meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 27 for the discussion to continue with community members. At the conclusion of the discussion, committee members will make a recommendation as to where money will be spent. All community members are invited to attend, even if they have not been part of the Horizon Project until now.