
Klickitat Horizons Telcom Ruralite

Horizons Makes Push for Improving Telecommunications Access

In late 2006, Washington State University (W.S.U.) Extension brought news of Horizons – a Northwest Area Foundation funded program based in the concept of “community leadership to reduce poverty” – to the communities of Klickitat and Skamania Counties. Horizons was designed as a program of community discussion, strategic thinking, leadership training and, ultimately, the creation and implementation of action plans for rural communities experiencing economic decline to move toward newfound prosperity.

Six area communities applied and were accepted to the program: Goldendale, Glenwood, Klickitat, Trout Lake, Stevenson/Skamania and White Salmon/Bingen. Hundreds of community members across the two counties participated in the first stages of the process, culminating this past fall as each participating community identified a set of action items toward which they would focus future efforts. Interests ranged from improving local offerings of youth activities and senior services to affordable housing. Another need recognized by several participating communities was that of improved telecommunications services, as many of our more remote residents do not have access to high speed internet and cell phone service.

W.S.U. Extension, led by Horizons Community Coaches Ava Van Velsor and Linda Williams, led the formation of a telecommunications committee. Klickitat County Economic Development and Washington’s Office of Community Trade and Economic Development became involved, as did Klickitat P.U.D, Embarq, SawNet and community representatives, recognizing the importance of rural high speed internet access for rural businesses and individuals alike.

The Community of Glenwood has led the way by assessing high speed internet demand, tapping into the initiative and interest that Glenwood High School Senior Jimmie Smith had for incorporating the need into his senior project. Within weeks over 75 surveys of nearly 200 that had been mailed, had been returned, overwhelmingly in support of improving high speed internet access for Glenwood. The impressive response has attracted the attention of one area high speed internet service provider that currently is working on a plan to improve access for Glenwood.

Encouraged by Glenwood’s efforts, the Horizons telecommunications committee is adapting the Glenwood survey for use throughout the county. Questions are being added to the survey to help determine reasons people do not want (or can’t get) broadband, to better understand what residents know about the technology training that is available in the area, and help identify the geographic locations where access is unavailable.

So please watch for the survey in the April billing. The surveys will be collected with PUD payments. Results will be tabulated by Goldendale High School students and used to determine demand, identify community education interests, and work on targeted infrastructure needs.