
Horizon Study Circles

Beginning in November, 2006, Glenwood has been involved with the Horizon Project. It is a program developed to help struggling communities to begin to thrive. It focuses on towns and areas that are challenged with issues related to poverty. A small group of Glenwood community members attended the Horizon Spotlight in Goldendale in 2006. Beginning in January of 2007, local residents were invited to participate in "Study Circles", a facilitated forum to help people discuss poverty related issues that have affected them, the community, or someone they know. The first meeting was held at the Flying L Ranch, hosted by Jacquie Perry and Jeff Berend, proprietors. These group meetings continued on a regular basis at the Glenwood School from January through the beginning of March, 2007. Many good discussions took place during this time. More understanding of the issues involved as well as better communication between community members were among the positive outcomes the Study Circles produced. There were a number of items that the group decided would be worthwhile issues to continue working on. The top Action Item was to have a community cleanup/beautification day. Other items that were identified were: Community Web Site, Search and Rescue Center, and a Community Resource Sharing Day. A total of 34 people attended the Action Forum that concluded the Study Circle phase of the Horizon's Project.