
LeadershipPlenty Training

As part of the Horizon's Project, four Glenwood community members were invited to travel to Moses Lake, Washington, to participate in leadership training. Fliers were posted and participants of the Horizon's Study Circles were recruited to attend the training. Although many expressed interested, only four residents were actually able to take the time to participate. Jensi Smith, Leah Pedersen and Josie Zaragosa attended the training entitled "LeadershipPlenty" on April 10-12, 2007. This training taught participants about how to manage conflict, design a good agenda, run an effective meeting, etc. Once the trainees are able to go back and present the training materials to their communities, in their entirety, they become certified LeadershipPlenty trainers for life. Miss Pedersen was the youngest participant to attend the training presented in Moses Lake. The fourth participant, Dana Hathaway, attended a technology forum. This training was presented to help communities make use of the Horizon Blog as well as how to post articles, upload photos, and make/post videos. The Horizon Project also gave each community a Kodak digital camera.

Starting on May 7 and running through June 11, 2007, the LeadershipPlenty curriculum was presented to the Glenwood community. A number of Glenwood School faculty members and students participated in the 60-clock hour course. The LeadershipPlenty training is one phase of the Horizon's Project. The Northwest Area Foundation funds the project. Washington State University has been the organization that has helped facilitate the program in communities all over Washington State. There are six communities in Klickitat and Skamania counties that are actively involved with Horizons.