
Horizon's Community Beautification Day - June 2, 2008

As part of the Horizon's Project, a group of Glenwood community members participated in a Community Beautification Day on Saturday, June 2, 2007. At the conclusion of the Study Circle process, the group decided to put together a town clean up day. Members met in the morning to begin picking up trash around the community. Ms. Jane Gibson, Glenwood School faculty member, offered her services and classroom to host a lunch break so that everyone could regroup and refresh themselves. Following lunch, members again took to the streets to gather up litter before meeting around mid-afternoon to plant flowers in large planters that were distributed around the community. Jay McLaughlin built and installed new planter boxes on the east side of the Post Office, which were also filled with colorful perennials and annuals. Thank you to all those who contributed to the effort by helping pick up trash or those who donated money, food, flowers, or potting soil.